Published 2/14/2011
17. year of the traditional expert and social meeting of top representatives of the Czech and Central European retail was, according to spontaneous reactions if the participants as well as according to the questionnaire among participants, very successful. The representative research, in which every third attendant participated, signalizes that Retail Summit 2011 had, in the history of this event, the highest perceived information value.


Presentation of speakers was evaluated with average mark of 2,07 – it is similar friendly number as in previous two years. The positive news is that all speakers received really good evaluation and according to participants the rare balance of the program contributed to the quality of the whole program. In general the best evaluation was given to Czech top manager of American company AFP, Miroslav Hošek, who received the mark 1,62 (“poignant and at the same time funny way to present ideas and innovations”, “inspirational/ making people think”). The second best was the “really funded” presentation of Vladimíra Dvořáková from VŠE Prague, who mapped the transformations of Czech society and politics “with grace and humor” (“welcomed thematic variegation”, “innovation – new view on what is important in business”). Very close to this there was the European retail expert of ACNielsen, J.J. Vandeheede (“he had interesting information and was able to present them”) and Managing partner of Globus, Thomas Bruch. Conference participants commented his presentation with many spontaneous complimentary notes like “interesting view into the background of successful retail concept and its corporate culture” or “he was interesting with openness, pleasant presentation and emphasis on gaining inspiration from his own employees”.
According to the questioned participants this year the discussion sections contributed highly to the high informational value of summit. They gained even the best evaluation ever in the history of conference (average mark 1,72). The parallel discussion sections had similar quality, but among them the best evaluation was given to Retail and People led by Dana Zadražilová from FMV VŠE Prague and Bernd Hallier from European Retail Institute. The positive evaluation was not connected only to the fact, that “the panel discussion was well featured and led” but mainly because it “resulted into specific tasks for increasing the qualification of workers in retail, which SOCR ČR should further communicate with Ministry of Labor and social issues”. The above-average evaluation was given also to discussions with topics retail and World 3.0 led by Luděk Niedermayer from Deloitte company, and retail and (Re)development led by Tomáš Drtina from INCOMA GfK (“interesting panel with many information and interactions”).
Many respondents completed their answers to individual questions in the questionnaire also with closing spontaneous comment. For all we can quote at least these examples:
o  “Those who participated at the conference could make their own conclusions on innovations as a tool ‘how to get out of crise’. To realize, where it really is, and especially think what their role is in the current game with title global, sustainable business.”
o “It is really necessary to have such events which are pushing the development forward and connecting people. According to me the conference met expectations, the program was made functionally, the quality of speakers was good and everyone could choose interesting topics he liked.”
Interrogation among participants provided many other interesting suggestions on what works and what is necessary to change for the following year. Organizers will take them seriously in preparation of the 18th year. It will take place on 31st January – 1st February 2012.
For more information contact Barbora Krásná (e-mail: )
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